I. 子宮頸部高度異形性上皮、微少浸潤癌(年間50-60例)には、子宮頸部円錐切除術(子宮の入り口だけを円錐形に切除し、子宮卵巣を温存) を行っています。
II. 浸潤癌の中でも比較的早期と考えられる Ib1期で、腫瘍の大きさが2cm以下で子宮卵巣温存を希望される患者さんに対して、2008年より本学倫理委員会の承認を得て、広汎子宮頸部摘出術を行っています。
III. 再発しやすい高危険群、難治例(年間80例)の患者様に対しては、化学療法、手術療法、放射線療法などを組み合わせ最善と考えられる治療を選択しています。化学放射線同時療法(抗癌剤と放射線治療を同時に行う治療法)に関しては、放射線科医の協力のもと多数症例の治療を行い良好な治療成績をあげています。
IV. 5年生存率は0、IA期 100%、IB期 95%、II期 73%、III期 54%、IVA期 40%、IVB期10%です。

1) Kinjyo Y, Kudaka W, Toita T, Nakasone T, Taira Y, Arakaki Y, Nakamoto T, Wakayama A, Nagai Y, Maemoto H, Hashimoto S, Ariga T, Heianna J, Aoki Y. Vesicovaginal/rectovaginal fistula formation and outcome of stage IVA carcinoma of the cervix with radiotherapy. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol, in press.
2) Oishi S, Kudaka W, Toita T, Ariga T, Nakamoto T, Wakayama A, Nagai Y, Kaneshima I, Nishihira K, Aoki Y. Prognostic factors and treatment outcome for patients with stage IVB cervical cancer. Anticancer Res 36; 3471-3476: 2016.
3) Kinjo T, Nabeya D, Nakamura H, Haranaga S, Hirata T, Nakamoto T, Atsumi E, Fuchigami T, Aoki Y, Fujita J. Acute respiratory distress syndrome due to strongyloides stercolaris infection in a patient with cervical cancer. Intern Med 54: 83-87, 2015.
4) Harding Y, Ooyama T, Kudaka W, Inamine M, Nagai Y, Ueda S, Aoki Y. Radiotherapy or radical surgery induced female sexual morbidity in stage IB and II cervical cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer 24: 800-805, 2014.
5) Aoki Y, Inamine M, Ohishi S, Nagai Y, Masamoto H. Radical abdominal trachelectomy in IB1 cervical cancer at 17 weeks of gestation. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol Article ID 926502, 4 pages, 2014.
6) Kudaka W, Nagai Y, Toita T, Inamine M, Asato K, Ooyama T, Nakamoto T, Wakayama A, Ooyama T, Tokura A, Murayama S, Aoki Y. Long-term results and prognostic factors in patients with stage III–IVA squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy from a single institution study. Int J Clin Oncol, 18: 916—921, 2013.
7) Ariga T, Toita T, Kasuya G, Nagai Y, Inamine M, Kudaka W, Kakinohana Y, Aoki Y, Murayama S. External beam boost irradiation for clinically positive pelvic nodes in patients with uterine cervical cancer. J Radiat Res 54: 690-696, 2013.
8) Kasuya G, Ogawa K, Iraha S, Nagai Y, Hirakawa M, Toita T, Kakinohana Y, Kudaka W, Inamine M, Ariga T, Aoki Y, Murayama S. Postoperative radiotherapy for early-stage uterine cervical cancer: Impact of lymph node status and histological type on survival. Anticancer Res 33: 2199-2204, 2013.
9) Wakayama A, Inamine M, Kudaka W, Nagai Y, Nakamoto T, Ooyama T, Ariga T, Kasuya G, Toita T, Aoki Y. Concurrent chemoradiotherapy for nonbulky stage IB/II cervical cancer without pelvic node enlargement. Anticancer Res 33: 5123-5126, 2013.
10) Nagai Y, Toita T, Wakayama A, Nakamoto T, Ooyama T, Tokura A, Inamine M, Kudaka W, Murayama S, Aoki Y. Concurrent chemoradiotherapy with paclitaxel and cisplatin for adenocarcinoma of the cervix. Anticancer Res 32: 1475-1479, 2012.
11) Hirakawa M, Nagai Y, Toita T, Inamine M, Kudaka W, Ogawa K, Murayama S, Aoki Y. High-risk group for locoregional recurrence in patients with stage IB-IIB squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Anticancer Res 2011; 31: 437-1442.
12) Kasuya G, Ogawa K, Iraha S, Nagai Y, Shiraishi M, Hirakawa M, Samura H, Toita T, Kakinohana Y, Kudaka W, Inamine M, Ariga T, Nishimaki T, Aoki Y, Murayama S. Severe late complications in patients with uterine cancer treated with postoperative radiotherapy. Anticancer Res 2011; 31: 3527-3533.
13) Ferdousi J, Nagai Y, Asato T, Hirakawa M, Inamine M, Kudaka W, Kariya K, Aoki Y. Impact of human papillomavirus genotype on response to treatment and survival in patients receiving radiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. Exp Ther Med 2010; 1: 525-530.
14) Hirakawa M, Nagai Y, Inamine M, Kamiyama K, Toita T, Ogawa K, Murayama S, Aoki Y. Predictive factors of distant recurrence in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Gynecol Oncol 2008;108:126-129.
15) Hirakawa M, Nagai Y, Yagi C, Nashiro T, Inamine M, Aoki Y. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by extended-field concurrent chemoradiotherapy in squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix with positive para-aortic lymph node: Two cases report. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 2008;29:171-173.
16) Iraha S, Ogawa K, Moromizato H, Shiraishi M, Nagai Y, Samura H, Toita T, Kakinohana Y, Adachi G, Tamaki W, Hirakawa M, Kamiyama K, Inamine M, Nishimaki T, Aoki Y, Murayama S. Radiation enterocolitis requiring surgery in patients with gynecological malignancies. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2007;68:1088-93.

1) Kudaka W, Nakasone T, Arakaki Y, Nakamoto T, Wakayama A, Kinjyo Y, Taira Y, Nagai Y, Kaneshima I, Nishihira K, Aoki Y. Adjuvant docetaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy for patients with FIGO stage I–III endometrial cancer. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol, in press.
2) Kudaka W, Inafuku H, Iraha Y, Nakamoto T, Taira Y, Taira R, Kamiya H, Tsubakimoto M, Totsuka Y, Kuniyoshi Y, Tamaki T, Aoyama H, Saio M, Yoshimi N, Aoki Y. Low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma with intravenous and intracardiac extension: a multidisciplinary approach Case Rep Obstet Gynecol 2016;2016:3467849. doi: 10.1155/2016/3467849.
3) Kinjyo Y, Kudaka W, Ooyama T, Inamine M, Nagai Y, Aoki Y. Ovarian preservation in young patients with endometrial cancer of endometrioid histology. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 94; 430—434: 2015.
4) Ooyama T, Inamine M, Nakamoto T, Wakayama A, Kudaka W, Nagai Y, Yogi A, Saio M, Yoshimi N, Aoki Y. Endometrial carcinoma with peritoneal keratin granulomas mimicking peritoneal carcinomatosis: a case report and imaging diagnosis. Int Cancer Conf J 1: 206-209, 2012.
5) Nakayama K, Ishikawa M, Nagai Y, Yaegashi N, Aoki Y, Miyazaki K. Prolonged long-term survival of low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma (LGESS) patients with lung metastasis following treatment with medroxyprogesterone acetate(MPA). Int J Clin Oncol 2010; 15: 179-183.
6) Nakayama K, Nagai Y, Ishikawa M, Aoki Y, Miyazaki K. Concomitant postoperative radiation and chemotherapy following surgery was associated with improved overall survival in patients with FIGO stage III and IV endometrial cancer. Int J Clin Oncol 2010; 15: 440-446.

1) Kozaki M, Ooyama T, Kudaka W, Nakamoto T, Wakayama A, Aoki Y. Prevalence of pulmonary embolism in gynecological cancer: the experience of a single tertiary center in Okinawa, Japan. Eur J Gynecol Oncol, 2016.9.21 in press.
2) Wakayama A, Matsumoto H, Aoyama H, Saio M, Kumagai A, Ooyama T, Morihiko Inamine M, Aoki Y. A recurrent female adnexal tumor of probable wolffian origin treated by debulking surgeries, imatinib, and paclitaxel/carboplatin combination chemotherapy. Oncol lett, 2016.6.29 in press.
3) Karimata H, Nishimaki T, Oshita A, Nagahama M, Shimoji H, Inamine M, Kinjyo T. Acute phlegmonous esophagitis as a rare but threatening complication of chemotherapy: report of a case. Surg Today 44: 1147-1151, 2014.
4) Ogawa K, Yoshii Y, Aoki Y, Nagai Y, Tsuchida Y, Toita T, Kakinohana Y, Tamaki W, Iraha S, Adachi G, Hirakawa M, Kamiyama K, Inamine M, Hyodo A, Murayama S. Treatment and prognosis of brain metastases from gynecological cancers. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 2008;48:57-63.
5) Mekaru K, Kamiyama S, Masamoto H, Yagi C, Hirakawa M, Inamine M, Nagai Y, Sakumoto K, Aoki Y. Squamous cell carcinoma arising in an ovarian mature cystic teratoma complicating pregnancy: A case report. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2008;278:287-90.
6) Hirakawa M, Nagai Y, Yagi C, Nashiro T, Inamine M, Aoki Y. Recurrent juvenile granulosa cell tumor of the ovary managed by palliative radiotherapy. Int J Gynecol cancer 2008;18:913-915.
7) Nagai Y, Inamine M, Hirakawa M, Kamiyama K, Ogawa K, Toita T, Murayama S, Aoki Y. Postoperative whole abdominal radiotherapy in clear cell carcinoma of the ovary. Gynecol Oncol 2007;107:469-473.
1) Imoto S, Inamine M, Kudaka W, Nagai Y, Wakayama A, Nakamoto T, Ooyama T, Aoki Y. Failure patterns and prognostic factors in patients with vulvar cancer treated with primary surgery: A single-center experience. SpringerPlus 2016; 5: 125. DOI 10.1186/s40064-016-1767-7
2) Nashiro T, Yagi C, Hirakawa M, Inamine M, Nagai Y, Sakumoto K, Tamaki W, Ogawa K, Toita T, Aoki Y. Concurrent chemoradiation for locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina: Case series and literature review. Int J Clin Oncol 2008;13:335-339.
3) Nagai Y, Wakayama A, Suzuki S, Asato K, Hirakawa M, Kudaka W, Inamine, M Aoki Y. Metastatic placental site trophoblastic tumor successfully treated with hysterectomy and EMA/CO chemotherapy. J Obstet Gynaecol 2011; 31: 99-101.
患者様中心で、Evidence-based medicine (EBM)に則った治療の実践が当科のモットーです。患者様それぞれに最適と考えられる治療法と他の治療法を納得いくまで、何度でも説明いたします。その中でご自分が納得した治療法を選択していただき、前向きに強い気持ちで治療に立ち向かっていただきます。